Semester Test Project

Part One
Photo essay
an essay or short article consisting of text and numerous photographs
All of the photos in this photo essay were candid photos. They were taken when Frank Sinatra wasn’t expecting a photo to be taken.
I think having all of the photos in black and white did make a difference. Because they were in black and white, it made the photos seem older and more historically important.
Value was used in this photo as you can see in the various shades of white, grey, and black. The rule of thirds was also used in this photo. Frank, the subject of this photo, is centered on the three main points.
I feel as though these photos make the subject feel close. Because they are candid photos, the photos capture the real, true, Frank Sinatra.

These photos have good examples of lighting. In the first photo, you can tell that it was taken in the day by the shadow on the wall. The room in illuminated and because there is a shadow, it makes sense that light is coming in from outside. The second photo has lighting coming from behind. Because it is darker and there is no visible natural light, I assume that this photo was taken during the night. I think the way the lights shine on him from behind make a cool silhouette and make the smoke from his cigarette look interesting. The last photo used the best light (in my opinion). I think natural light is the best light source to use. You can definitely tell that this photo was taken during the day because of how light the sky is just over the house.

This photo essay had quite a bit of narration. The essay does a good job on portraying Frank Sinatra.

I feel like the photos from the essay could easily stand alone. They’re all great individual shots.

I don’t think all photo essays illicit a reaction, but this particular essay did get a reaction from me. The photos made me more interested in Frank Sinatra and the narrative informed me about his life.

Part Two

The Creative Process

I titled my photo essay “The Creative Process”. I wanted to do my essay on something that had to do with art so I chose to photograph the steps I take when creating art. In the essay I explain the reasoning behind the photo and why I take the steps I do. I captured almost every aspect of my personal creative process all the way from the beginning to end. I love art because you can create anything your imagination comes up with. For this essay I focused mostly on painting but there are many other art forms and medias that I love – including photography!

Captions are under the photos. Click on the photo to enlarge it and read the full caption.

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